And they saw that when the skin of the bubble ruptures, it retracts. As this film folds in on itself, it can trap air, thus forming smaller, daughter bubbles. 他们发现,当泡泡破裂时,它们的表面薄膜会往回缩,由于这层薄膜会卷起,裹进空气,因此就形成了更小的子气泡。
Objective To investigate the effectiveness of dynamic bubble trap ( DBT) on air microbubble elimination from both the cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB) circuit and middle cerebral arteries, and evaluate its possible impact on blood cells and coagulatory function. 目的明确动力型微泡清除器(DBT)在冠脉搭桥患者体外循环(CPB)全过程中减少动脉灌注管道和大脑中动脉内微气泡的效果及其对血细胞和凝血机能的影响。
Application of dynamic bubble trap in coronary artery bypass with cardiopulmonary bypass: an initial study 动力型微泡清除器在体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术中的初步应用